Pre-Post Natal Think Tank For Our Babies!
Afrikan Centered education for our children
and expecting parents.
Please use this space to express your needs as a parent and what you would expect
from a preschool and kindergarten curriculum for Afrikan children
worldwide. Lets build...
- How do you learn/decide the name of your newborn?
How can we enhance brain development for our fetus?
What are the benefits of Naming Ceremonies?
What are some important health tips during pregnancy?
African views on Natural Births & Breast Feeding?
What are your ideas for infant development?
Share your African centered educational ideas for children 0-7...
The Benefits of naming ceremonies are many! My baby's ceremony was 40days after the birth! We invited family, close friends and active community members. We had food, African Drum and Dance and introduced our child formally to everyone with a handout with the meaning of our child's given name, the inspiration behind the naming, and the Do's and Don't in what we expect from the village regarding the raising of our child. Our Spiritual guide then gave him a taste of bitter, sweet,spicy and sour to resemble life's journey and raised him up as we all called out his name. We gave our story of how we (his parents meet and became one spirit! We gave out gifts to our village and reminded them that our child's development and success depends on their active roles in his life! He is a child of the village and is expected to dedicate himself to serving his village (Life & Death)! It was a wonderful experience!!